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Kaps for Kids

In 2014, Nathan Rues founded Kaps for Kids LLC with the mission to fund important children’s causes nationwide by using proceeds from his whimsical mosaics made from beer caps.

An engineer by training, Nathan started collecting beer caps in 1997, not realizing how it would change his life and the lives of others decades later. Kaps for Kids is changing the way people see everyday items and the perception on recycling and waste through the creation of mosaic artwork and decorative roses.

Nathan has always been driven by sustainability and reducing waste. Beer and soda caps are difficult to recycle, causing many facilities to turn them away; as a result millions of caps ending up in landfills. Kaps for Kids provides people with a way to recycle these discarded and overlooked pieces, giving them a second life as a beautiful pieces of artwork that also benefit children’s charities.

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